Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Example maps

Monoceros, a constellation that formally is overlapping the galactic equator but still pretty devoid of bright stars like the neighboring Orion. Lot's of deep-sky objects, most prominently the Rosette Nebula near the "head", and the sparse but bright open cluster NGC 2244 that have blown up a cavity in this HII bright nebula, which is excited by the hot young stars of that open cluster.

The constellation seems to have been formed from stellae informata by Petrus Plancius near the turn of the 16th to the 17th century.
Orion is the heavenly hunter that boasted that he could kill every possible animal on this planet. Gaia, Mother Nature, then became pretty upset, and sent the Scorpion to kill the blasphemer.

Orion the constellation is in direction of a real star craddle of Milky Way. Young bright stars are numerous. M42 and M43, the Orion nebula is part of one of the most studied star formation areas of the heaven, containing protoplanetary disks and young protostars cocooned in dust and dark hydrogen gas and thence only visible in the IR range of electromagnetic radiation.

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