Thursday, 7 March 2013

R154 – MBF (v1) stabilization

MBF format stabilization – allow usage of labels, that are recognized by starting with :.

  • R154 (Mar 7, 2013): MBF format improvement.

The solution is of the-fastest-hack kind, but since it is a VM assembly format, this should be acceptable: VM assembly format is intended to be 1. read by the debugging programmer, 2. autogenerated by a parser. The VM assembly format is not intended to be written or modified by the normal programmer. Part of MBF format:

   :ustr 00 :ImgSetName
   :int 1F4 :int 1F4 :ImgSetSize
   :dbl 3FF66666 66666666 :ImgSetScale
   :dbl 4054A000 00000000
   :dbl 40140000 00000000
   :dbl 402E0000 00000000
   :dbl 40390000 00000000 :ImgSetLambert -

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