pragma Wide_Character_Encoding(UTF8); with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Read_Write_Loop is use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; β : String(1..40); N : Integer; begin Put("> "); loop Get_Line(β,N); exit when β(1..N) = "quit"; Put("Command: '" & β(1..N) & "'"); Put(" ("); Put(β'Length,2); Put_Line(")"); Put("> "); end loop; Put_Line("Bye"); end;"Ridiculous", the most programmers use to say, one can write
in Java/C# (which by the way is the most phantastiqual language ever constructed by the most intelligent godlike gurus, yada yada yada ...). Very nice when encoding mathematical formulae in Ada.The above code works in GNAT if the data is stored in a file
and compiled with
gnat make read_write_loopOther perceived advantages of using Ada for numeric parts of the sternons project are:
- Ada is available wherever gcc is
- The Ada programmer have a detailed control over data precision f.ex. being able to declare long reals by
type My_Float is digits 12;
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