Thursday, 23 December 2010

Semi-dead project

The project was semi-dead for about one and a half month, due to so called ordinary life. So called ordinary life irritates us, but the project was only semi-dead, which automatically implies zombielike. The revisions r98 and r99 where ueber-silently released, both of them designing some data structures to be constructed after the parsing of the map program. The program parse_program parses the program and constructs a program prototype. Nevertheless I'm considering yet another program redesign, that makes some assumption on the so called graphical layers: given a "fixed" sky layer (or for that part a "fixed" globe layer on any planet), there could be a conceptually different viewing window layer that applies filters on any fixed surface layer,
  1. a selection, for example stars brighter than 5.5, galaxies brighter than 9.5,
  2. a projection, for example lambert conic, simple conic, cylindric
  3. an orientation, centering α₀, α₁, δ₀, δ₁, image rotation ν and some such...

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