Friday, 8 October 2010

Project mgmt on google code?

Q: Project mgmt on google code?
A: Not likely!

Actually, I examined the facilities on google code a while ago, added a few issues and deleted them again as experimental evaluations. My immediate reaction was that I could find no life cycle stages of a certain module – a module could attain any of the following intellectual stages:
  • vapor: imagined, probably needed or possibly not, no implementation nor any evaluation supporting nor opposing the creation of the module,
  • rejected: the module development is stopped at any of the pre-gamma stages, and stowed away for trackability and a possible future reevaluation, 1)
  • evaluated vapor: text, design and evaluations describing and underbuilding the creation of a module
  • experimental: a code that implements some important aspect of a module, used for demonstration for further evaluation and a code base for the future module
  • alpha: the module is implemented but unstable,
  • beta: the module is pretty stable, but not systematically bug-tested
  • gamma: stable and systematically bug-tested
  • gamma-old: gamma but considered for replacement: replacement documentation exists
  • delta: actively being replaced
These life cycle states are 'home hack' adapted, a test-based development enviroment should have a different set of stages: fulfilling this or that many test cases.

Whether google code usage can be adapted to an arbitrary life cycle management of individual modules is as yet undecided, but it is an infinitely important question for any opensource project.

1) Extreme programmers and other modern project management use to dislike stowing away things for later reevaluation, but this is just an oversensitivity and disability to evaluate and correct oneself from own thought errors. The key points that makes stowing away problematic is keeping a database and any system of competition-by-blame.

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