Monday 4 March 2013

R152 – asleep project woke up: yet a step towards VM

Project "revived" after having been dead more than half a year. My life changed somewhat, I began studying Java and JSP, a horrible programming language that has some market support and that enables easy coding of client server systems. That is: I have a real important and interesting application of this handicaped programming language, but the philosophy behind Java reveals a horrible ignorance and real stupidity. My angriest criticism against Java is the very inferior parameter system of methods/functions, my next most angry criticism is that it is impossible in code to explicitly deallocate an object, if it be needed. The Java programmer is "for simplicity" condemned to no control. The "simplicity" is often a badly hidden alibi for a bad Java/JDK/JRE architectural design and convenient avoidance of heavy technical decisions, rather than simplicity for the developers.

  • R152 (Mar 4, 2013): yet another, preparation step for loading/running mkmap VM code, here concentrating on making the image_program object data complete by storing strings (8b/32b) and code.

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