Sunday 4 September 2011

Lithium deficit primordial star

(Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2)
SDSS J102915+172927
α(J2000): 10ʰ29ᵐ15.15ˢ
δ(J2000): +17°29'28"
Const: Leo
m: 16.92

SDSS J102915+172927 is one of the extremely metal poor stars in this universe, meaning it was formed "shortly" after Big Bang, but it contains only one fiftieth of the amount of lithium expected to be formed in the Big Bang. Stars have a tendency to destroy the fragile lithium nuclei, so the problem is not serious, but if the lack of lithium cannot be explained in that way, the Big Bang and current models of physics are in trouble.

The astronomers have a strong suspicion that there are many more of these extremely metal poor stars, and are planning to study them with the VLT.

ESO news release here.

Nature article here.

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