Wednesday, 20 July 2011


Since Blogger peruses XHTML 1.0, the following shall display as graphics if your web browser supports XHTML and SVG natively. ERROR, ERROR! However I layout the XHTML headings, Blogger adds <meta> tags into my heading that are violating XML. The reason that the following displays a figure in gecko based browsers is that it nicely interpret the code as HTML5 containing embedded SVG:

XHTML SVG test in Blogger

It should look like this:

Preliminary tests indicate that it works well in Mozilla Firefox (6.0) but not in browsers using Webkit, f.ex. Epiphany and uzbl.

Mozilla Firefox 6.0β Gecko/20100101 YES!
uzbl Webkit yes?
IE 10 Trident YES! actually and surprisingly!
epiphany 2.30.6 Webkit yes, but only if served as file.xhtml
konqueror 4.4.5 KHTML no

It seems my troubles are due to the immaturity of most browsers, and their general unwillingness to adapt to web standards. It also seems that Blogger serves a lot of <link> tags that are invalid according to XML, making it impossible to adapt this blog for inclusion of SVG insets. It's just sheer luck that it works with Firefox.

The points of this experiment are

  1. that Blogger shrinks the pixmap images that are downloaded under the assumptions that they're photos, not instruction figures (see dynamic classes for how instruction figures becomes), embedded SVG may remedy this
  2. embedded SVG/MathML is the best part of the confused future HTML5 standard, and the only real advantage of HTML5, however deficient in comparison to XML embedding.

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